• Mint Vinetu bookstore

    Really simple but great idea. This advert for Mint Vinetu bookstore suggests that you can become someone else (a hero) thanks to reading.

    Any idea to do it in class? I'm sure you have many!


    MTV's fusion concept - A vision of the Fifth Child.MTV's fusion concept - A vision of the Fifth Child.



    MTV's fusion concept - A vision of the Fifth Child.MTV's fusion concept - A vision of the Fifth Child.




    Via Ibelieveinadv

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  • Comments

    Saturday 7th January 2012 at 23:10

    It's just a remark, but you don't have anything in the section 'art', or it's me and i don't see anything.

    the question is ' what is art, and what is not?' i was visiting the differents parts of the blog, and many little things are interesting, but can we told that an 'art'?

    Lisa-Belle Lisa-Belle profile
    Wednesday 14th November 2012 at 18:17

    I think it's true that we can become another person when we read. Once immersed in the story somehow we forget reality, and there can change our personality.

    Lisa-Belle Lisa-Belle profile
    Wednesday 14th November 2012 at 18:17

    I think it's true that we can become another person when we read. Once immersed in the story somehow we forget reality, and there can change our personality.

    Friday 6th November 2015 at 08:16

    Yes we are an other person when we read, because we are carry in the story of the novel. And sometimes we we represent in the character of the novel and we feel the feelings of the character. 

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