• I cannot help sharing the following blog: it's such a brilliant example of elegance, poetry, sensuality. The photographer, Jamie Beck, has created a wonderful place to post. Her pictures are incredibly stunning. I actually wonder how it works. It is based on the forgotten GIF format, but it looks so different from the old ones. If you have any idea please tell me!!!!

    Just enjoy!


    It blogs my heart!


    It blogs my heart!


    It blogs my heart!


    It blogs my heart!

    your comment
  • It's useless, it's just a music video but an interactive one. Actually this is just beautiful... just enjoy!


    It blogs my heart!

  • I looooove flowcharts. It's a really modern tool to represent ways of thinking. It's also a useful tool for us, English teachers. Using them in class or even making the pupils create their own flowcharts is great.

    Flowcharts can be used to tell a story differently. It can be used for anything actually.

    Here are some examples of flowcharts:

    Michelle Henry's ressources

    Michelle Henry's ressources

    Michelle Henry's ressources


    Michelle Henry's ressources


    Michelle Henry's ressources


    Michelle Henry's ressources


    Michelle Henry's ressources


    Michelle Henry's ressources


    Michelle Henry's ressources


    Michelle Henry's ressources


    Michelle Henry's ressources


    Michelle Henry's ressources

  • The graphic taken from Hunch illustrates here the "fight" between mac and pc users. I like the way they represent the statistics.

    Possible Xploitation? It could be fun to do the same (perhaps in a less scientific way) opposing for example Iphone and Blackberry users, FB or Tweeter users, Playstation or Nintendo users, etc. The "statistics" could be based on a stereotypical or caricatural vision.


    Michelle Henry's ressources

    your comment

    The new MTV campaign is interesting. Its purpose is to say that there is a story within every famous song

    Possible exploitation: Well I don't really have any original idea but the documents could be the base of a work on narration for example. Do you have any idea?


    Michelle Henry's ressources


    Michelle Henry's ressources

    Michelle Henry's ressources



    your comment
  • Here is the link to Michelle Henry's site, a famous mine of information:

    Michelle Henry's ressources

    your comment
  • MTV's fusion concept - A vision of the Fifth Child.Well I sometimes have curious ideas but I've always wanted to develop a one year project based on the following idea: pupils must create a country.

    It can be a long time project or even a shorter one. However, the idea is to create the most realistic country. I think it's possible to represent it like in google earth. You can create its shape and boundaries. The following site gives ideas to create one with Google Earth: http://sites.google.com/site/geinvtclassrooms/Home/create-a-country

    Then, it could be interesting to imagine the people living in the country. Pupils could compose a national anthem, imagine a flag, rules, etc. All these elements could be the subject of various lessons.



    MTV's fusion concept - A vision of the Fifth Child.MTV's fusion concept - A vision of the Fifth Child.

    MTV's fusion concept - A vision of the Fifth Child.

    MTV's fusion concept - A vision of the Fifth Child.

  • It could be easy to use the following advert for structures expressing orders (or others). Actually I find the video really aesthetic and powerful.

    The notion of litany could be useful for a linguistic purpose too.

    your comment
  • A wonderful document. It reminds me of the movie American Beauty. Really good idea to narrate the story of an "ordinary" object of everyday life. Here the purpose is ecological with an ironical tone.

    IDEA: Teachers could ask the pupils to tell the story (with illustration) of an ordinary object with a specific tone.

  • I love the idea!!!! The concept is to scan the newspaper with your smartphone and to put it on the picture. A mouth is speaking instead of the portrait. It's a journalist who is speaking instead of dictators in order to denounce what is happening in their countries.

    We could do the same in class. Choose a famous character and film your mouth pronouncing a text. Then put the smartphone on the mouth of the character and film the whole thing. What do you think?

  • These ads are really funny. It could be interesting to take a famous picture and to make pupils imagine what could have happened, what could have provoked the famous photo.

    Examples of photos that could be manipulated:

    MTV's fusion concept - A vision of the Fifth Child.

    MTV's fusion concept - A vision of the Fifth Child.


    MTV's fusion concept - A vision of the Fifth Child.


  • your comment