• Create your country

    MTV's fusion concept - A vision of the Fifth Child.Well I sometimes have curious ideas but I've always wanted to develop a one year project based on the following idea: pupils must create a country.

    It can be a long time project or even a shorter one. However, the idea is to create the most realistic country. I think it's possible to represent it like in google earth. You can create its shape and boundaries. The following site gives ideas to create one with Google Earth: http://sites.google.com/site/geinvtclassrooms/Home/create-a-country

    Then, it could be interesting to imagine the people living in the country. Pupils could compose a national anthem, imagine a flag, rules, etc. All these elements could be the subject of various lessons.



    MTV's fusion concept - A vision of the Fifth Child.MTV's fusion concept - A vision of the Fifth Child.

    MTV's fusion concept - A vision of the Fifth Child.

    MTV's fusion concept - A vision of the Fifth Child.

  • Comments

    A. Menenteau
    Sunday 1st May 2011 at 20:59

    I want to do this one as well!

    C.B. C.B. profile
    Sunday 1st May 2011 at 20:59

    we then have two lessons for next year!

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